Community Improvement

Limit Company Size

I was recently quoted by Kauffman Foundation regarding what systems changes I would prioritize for the economy: Limit company size. Crazy, I know. But once an economy has companies the size of Walmart, Amazon, or Google, you inhibit the creation of small businesses. Those small businesses are less efficient, but employ more people and directly […]

Community Improvement

Money Flowing Away

If you talk to me at community strength then you’ll know I’m a believer that apathy is the primary cause of fading communities. I’m starting to think there’s another factor that’s just as important: financial independence, or local self-reliance as the amazing ILSR group puts it. Bear with me here. If neighbors are stumbling financially, […]

Community Improvement

Apathy: The Destroyer of All Things Community

I’ve been meaning to write a lot about this ever since I launched Condo Ally. I’ve been able to experience this first hand for close to a decade. I’ve lived near great neighbors that whose company I enjoyed very much, but for some it was near impossible to get them to participate in building/association activity […]