Community Ally Suite of Tools

October 2020 Update Preview

We usually send out an annual email on December 31 regarding improvements to our suite of tools. Since we’re just about to launch our premium plan on November 1, we wanted to share a preview as an extra oomph to help encourage those on the fence to support us by signing up for the premium plan.

Easily generate invoices to send to residents. Invoices can be sent via email or actual paper, “snail mail!” This feature has been in for awhile, but we never sent out an update including it.

Deep Links
You can now copy URLs to help other residents find information easier. When you select a folder in the documents area, the URL in your browser’s address bar will update so you can share a link directly to a folder. The same is true for discussion threads.

Extended Resident Info
You can now store additional information for your residents. You can find this on the “Secondary” tab when view resident details.

Email Body in History
When viewing your email history, you can now see the email contents. Coming soon to premium is the ability to view how many people have opened an email.

Better Privacy
We’ve updated our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy to be more user friendly and removed the “scary” verbiage. Additionally, we moved from Google to Fathom for our analytics and no longer use cookies on the site!

Treasurer Group Email
We added a treasurer group email address. This address will send to any residents marked as treasurer or the board if none is available. This allows you to retain a single email address even as the position changes appointees. Also, the new Dwolla notifications will go to this address.

More Secure Login
We’ve increased the security of our passwords by using a new algorithm that is orders of magnitude harder to crack. The downside is login will take about 0.9 seconds longer, but the increase in security is well worth it.

Coming Soon

We’ve finally replaced WePay with a new payment provider, Dwolla. Checkouts will now be much easier and recurring payments will be back soon too. The payment processer fee will even be lower for many associations. We’re currently running beta tests, if you’re interested in trying it out, let us know.

We’re wrapping up work on the long-awaited financial tools: ledger, reports, and budget creation. The ledger is able to automatically connect to your bank account, download, and categorize transactions.

After that, we plan to add custom email groups and then issue/complaint/violation/maintenance tracking. Exciting and incredibly helpful features are on the horizon!

We hope you choose to support us! Thank you for being part of our journey.