Community Ally Suite of Tools

Announcing Our Premium Plan

Thanks to the support of our amazing base of HOAs and condo associations, we’ve introduced a premium plan to support the Community Ally suite of tools. After much number crunching, we’re also happy to announce we’re still going to offer a free plan to help very low usage groups.


No existing features will be moved to premium but we will need to limit usage of cost-incurring features. Specifically, the free plan will limit the amount of documents that can be stored and the number of group emails that can sent through the site.

All existing groups and future new sign-ups will receive 3 free months on the premium plan. Existing associations can take their time while new groups can experience the full benefits of our amazing communication system.

You can find your association’s premium plan and usage information at Manage -> Settings -> Premium Plan.


The base cost is $1/home or unit per month. We know some associations list parking spaces as units/homes so if that’s you, just reach out and we’ll adjust the automatically calculated monthly price.

We lose a cut of each sale to our payment processor, so to reduce those fees we’re offering an annual payment plan that equates to you getting a month free, so $11/home or unit per year. You can cancel your plan at any time and get to use the premium plan until whatever date you paid through.

Unfortunately, we’re not big enough to offer refunds at this time for unused time, but maybe one day. Also due to our size and the processor’s payment fees, small groups (<=10 homes/units) will need to pay annually or else very little of your payment would come our way to help fund development.

Moving Forward

We will continue adding features, some to the free plan and some to the premium. We’ll keep you posted with our annual email and (hopefully) regular blog posts. Reach out any time with questions, we’re always here to help!